Final Project. This was a very rewarding professional experience. I have to admit that I am familiar with most of the tools used in this class for this assessment. However, I never pieced them together to create a comprehensive assessment for students. I look forward to applying these multiple form of assessments to develop an unique authentic assessment. I definitely feel I have developed a toolbox approach to helping my students online. I have used the tools, but never have but them in the same box. However, I am once again experiencing a conflict between face-to-face an online education. The face-to-face department chairs in our district are focusing on ONE common assessment to be used by all teachers in the entire district, for a specific class. I have learned from this project that ONE ASSESSMENT is not the best way to assess student learning. Nor is confirming to traditional objective or common project based assignments. I will continue my quest to keep online learning from becoming an extension of face-to-face learning and will fight to keep online learning an unique student centered form of education.
Here is a link to a draft of my project:
Attempted Project Link
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