Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Financial Crisis Background...
Week 1 - Assessment Reflection
In the McLoughlin article, the author states, "Authentic assessment is solidly based on constructivism, which recognizes the learner as the chief architect of knowledge building," recognizing that the student is the center of the learning rather than the teacher or subject material….
I think this is also a definition of an online learning environment. Thus, I feel authentic alternative assessments are vital to a quality online learning class.
I have been teaching online for the past three school years and have attempted to use many forms of assessment. I will be the first to admit that many of my forms of assessment have failied. Failed from the perspective that the students resisted or did not even attempt the assessments.( I have been giving the students the option of formal and alternative assessments.) However, the students that did attempt the alternative assessments (summative, informal, self) displayed an excellent level of knowledge and mastery.
The main reason I enrolled in this class was to become familar with and 'practice' alternative assessments for online classes. As an online teacher I have found that most classes (and teachers) typically use traditional formal assessments. However, as online education is evolving and online students are evolving, I feel that non formal assessments are going to truly differentiate online learning from face to face learning.
From a personal experience, I have used the interview technique with my students (as an extra credit assignment). The participation was limited, but the students told me that they ultimately ended up communicating via email several times beyond the initial assignment and developed a long-term relationship with their partner. Many students told me as a result of the assignment interview they heavy relied on that student as a study partner.
The survey is a very valuable online learning tool. I have used a survey in many ways at various points in a semester. Initially a survey is very effective to gather personal, academic, and technology skills, and other background information about students. During the semester surveys can determine both a students effort and academic knowledge. End of the semester surveys can measure academic performance and general feedback about the class. I have incorporated an end of the semester class survey into my end of the semester exam. As a school, IQ Academy Wisconsin has used end of semester parent and summer surveys. The surveys allow the school to gather a large amount of invaluable perception data.
I am very familiar with the Discussion form assessment and use (Blackboard) discussion board assignments in my class weekly. I have found numerous benefits of discussion boards beyond measuring academic knowledge. I use various types of discussion board assignments. Informal assignments can help students develop the writing process by turning ideas in posts, practicing self-reflection, and writing for various audiences. Formative writing assignments allow students to receive editing feedback from both an instructor and peer. Formal writing assignments allow students the open ended writing opportunity in non-traditional setting. (Essay Assignments, Short Answer Tests)
I am not familiar with the WIKI pages, in an academic setting. I am very intrigued with the opportunity it presents students and teachers. Blackboard classes are very static and rarely change over a semester. WIKI and Blogs would allow more up to date teacher and student content. I have found that many online high students are very creative and enjoy expressing themselves (and their knowledge) in non-traditional ways.